top of page can't be Christian AND operate as an adulterous witch!

Gen 3, Hosea

Adultery is one of the most celebrated immoralities in society. In fact, I used to operate in adultery and witchcraft. Yet, I called myself a Christian. I would feel dirty, go to church on Sunday and be back at it on Monday. Lukewarm is not even the word for whatever that was!

The reason Genesis chapter 3 is highlighted as a text of reference is because Adam, Eve, the tree of knowledge and the serpent are the first example of adultery against God. Hosea was called to love a woman who committed adultery (even though God used this as a representation of how His people were treating Him) on multiple occassions and yet a price was paid for her, in order for her to be brought back into covenant with her husband...sound (Jesus dying on the cross) familiar? Adultery is not just the act of intercourse between a man and a woman. It is the very moment that any noun takes the place of God and encourages you to allow that "noun" to penetrate your commitment to the Lord, to remove Him from the throne of your heart, to go against His commandments and replace Him with said "noun". Had Adam stood firm in his priesthood and ministered to Eve to remind her or inform her of the commandment that God gave to him, the correction that Eve absolutely deserved would have saved the world from other sins being able to come forth and roam the earth. This. Is. Not. Debatable. They should have worked together to communicate the desires of the Lord. When communication is gone, trust soon follows, then loyalty. It is not for us to place blame on one or the other, rather a lesson for all of us to learn from.

Witchcraft is not just Bippity, Boppity, Boo!

HEAR ME CLEARLY!!! I am not boasting about the next portion of this blog. There is absolutely nothing to boast about. Condsider this nothing more than a living breathing testimony of how I was bought with a price to come back to God to be repentant, redeemed, restored and washed anew! In some ways adultery was the only way I knew how to have a relationship. It was easy because I didn't have to do the work. Witchcraft was the only way I knew how to obtain a relationship. I absolutely preyed on men that I felt I could control with my body and my sexuality. Add to that a few "Come get me" spells and "Never leave me baths" to make the situation even more in my favor. How could a relationship with the foundation of sex, lust and perversion stand firm against any test or trial? Let me back up. Witchcraft is not just a man or woman standing over a couldron chanting "boil and bubble, toil and trouble". It's not just the movie Hocus Pocus, scratching out the face of your enemy on their picture or using a voodoo doll. That's a sector of it. Witchcraft is the manipulation of a person or situtation to have a more favorable outcome for you and your benefit. You don't need a botanical man or woman to "fix" anything for you. You don't need Florida water. You don't need crystals and sage. You don't need Beyonce', Meg the Stallion, Cardi-B, Nicki Minaj, City Girls, Lil' Kim, Khia, Foxy Brown, Jackie-O or Trina lyrics. Yes, there is witchcraft in these songs. You've used your body, emotional manipulation, manipulation, money and your words. At the crux of witchcraft, it is about you being in control and the lack of trust that you have in God to perform as all knowing, ever present and all powerful. It is done without thought of consequence of how the outcome you desire will effect your spirit at the moment or even down the line. The soul ties that exist after each sexual exchange- no matter what orfice that man or woman penetrated or released in...YES SIS, WE ARE HERE TO TALK ABOUT IT! There is a tie. There is a bond. There is a price. If you are reading this, my prayer is that you are called into action to get all of you together, place all of you on the altar and go before the Lord to be reconciled to Him and consecrated to Him completely. Repent.


As a woman that strives each and every day to be perfected until Christ's return, I pray...I truly pray that as you have read this blog that offense has not been your portion. Everything that is in this blog I had to deal with by way of prayer, fasting, therapy, deliverance, more deliverance, more therapy and most importantly repentance. I went through stages of not just legal divorce but spiritual divorce as well. I had to spiritually divorce every person that I had allowed to tie and bond to me sexually. I also had to repent for being a whoremonger. At no time should there have been a complete disregard to a marital covenant-not to mention the abuse that I committed against another woman whether she knew me or not. Breaking that generational curse was absolutely necessary in order for the seeds that are to be planted in my womb to flourish under what God has placed His holy signature on. I want nothing more but for all the Godly tapestry in my life to be a beautiful and blessed covering that can be passed down as much as God will be passed down. Choose ye this day what you will do. Choose ye this day whom you will serve. Will it be God or your flesh? Will you submit to God, or the desires that the bible says are insatiable and never satisfied? If scripture tells us our body is a temple and holy unto the Lord, let us take into consideration what happened in 1 Samuel 5. The enemy possessed the ark of God and took it sought to profane it. God who is all powerful not only moved against the Philistine people but brought the idol Dagon down to be broken before Him. He broke the Dagon idol face first. My hope in the Lord is that the Lord of Hosts breaks the idol (whatever and whomever that may be) before Him on its face and not you.

The Hebrew word for adultery is "Na'ap". I have included some study points for your reference to partake of in your intimate study time. May God bless and keep you.


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